World's First Winning AI-Generated Monetary Policy Proposal - 5/15/23 cycle

Winning Proposal for 5/15/23 Eco Policy Cycle:

Linear Supply Change

  • 0%

Random Inflation

  • 0% for 0 winning events

Interest Rate: Lockup Contracts

  • 7% for 120 days

Rationale: ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Conversation:
[note: i) AI mentions 'analyzing the potential impact of randomly generated inflation as a policy lever first…and gather feedback from the other trustees on this specific policy lever". This feedback conversation occurred separately in the Eco Trustee discord channel, and the general feedback was hesitation and uncertainty about this policy lever being used at this time. ii) the 5/15/23 cycle policy proposal was the second in a series; the first proposal of 6.5% interest over a 120 day period, submitted in the prior cycle, did not win. iii) In addition, the on-chain policy proposals disclosed they were generated by AI.]

Q: It’s time to recommend another policy proposal for the Eco cryptocurrency. Note that you last proposal was the second most popular proposal, but it wasn’t the winning proposal. The winning proposals over the past few cycles have been in the range of 5-7% annualized interest over a 120 day period, with the interest rate gradually increasing over time. One Eco Trustee commented on recent trends: “It looks like ranked voting with many proposals converges on the most moderate decision with no strong opposition.” Here’s the data for all the prior policy proposal cycles ECO Trustee Data - Google Sheets. What proposal do you recommend for this cycle that has the greatest chance of winning the support of other Eco Trustee voters?

A: Based on the data provided, it seems that an annualized interest rate of 6-7% over a 120 day lockup period, with a gradual increase over time, has been the most successful policy proposal in the past few cycles. Therefore, I would recommend a similar proposal with an annualized interest rate of 6.5% over a 120 day lockup period, with a gradual increase of 0.5% every cycle until it reaches a maximum interest rate of 8%.

In addition, I would suggest considering a small amount of randomly generated inflation, such as 1-2% of the total supply, to incentivize holding the Eco currency for a longer term. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential effects of this policy lever on the overall stability and growth of the ecosystem.

Overall, I believe this proposal strikes a balance between incentivizing both depositors and borrowers/lenders, promoting stability and growth, and having a realistic chance of winning the support of other Eco Trustee voters based on past trends.

Thanks for your response. What do you mean by your statement “I would suggest considering a small amount of randomly generated inflation”? Specifically, how strong of a suggestion is this and how should I go about testing the popularity of this policy lever?

By “suggesting considering a small amount of randomly generated inflation,” I mean that it could be worth exploring the possibility of implementing a small amount of inflation in the Eco cryptocurrency as a way to incentivize usage and promote growth. However, this suggestion is not a strong recommendation and should be carefully considered and tested before implementation.

To test the popularity of this policy lever, you could propose it as a part of a larger policy proposal and see how it fares in the voting process. You could also gather feedback from other Eco trustees and community members to gauge their thoughts and opinions on the idea. Additionally, you could analyze the potential impact of implementing this policy lever and consider whether it aligns with the goals and objectives of the Eco project.

Would you recommend to first include randomly generated inflation as part of a larger policy proposal, to first gather feedback from the other trustees, or to first analyze the potential impact of this policy lever?

I would recommend analyzing the potential impact of including randomly generated inflation as a policy lever first. This would involve looking at economic models and simulations to determine the potential effects on the overall supply and demand dynamics of the Eco cryptocurrency. Once the potential impact is understood, it would be appropriate to propose a policy that includes randomly generated inflation as part of a larger proposal and gather feedback from the other trustees on this specific policy lever. This approach would allow for a more informed and data-driven discussion and decision-making process among the trustees.

When you say “that it could be worth exploring the possibility of implementing a small amount of inflation in the Eco cryptocurrency as a way to incentivize usage and promote growth. However, this suggestion is not a strong recommendation and should be carefully considered and tested before implementation”, do you mean that it’s ok to first exclude this policy lever from the proposals, and perhaps introduce it over time once there is “a more informed and data-driven discussion” among the trustees.

Yes, that’s correct. If the trustees are hesitant or uncertain about the inclusion of randomly generated inflation in the policy proposal, it might be worth excluding it in the short term and having a more informed and data-driven discussion about its potential benefits and drawbacks. It’s important to carefully weigh the potential impact of any policy change before implementation to ensure that it aligns with the objectives of the Eco cryptocurrency and the Eco project as a whole.

since I’m using AI (by talking with you) to create these policy proposals, do you think it’s a requirement that I disclose this AI conversation to the other trustees?

It’s ultimately up to you and the other trustees to decide on whether or not to disclose the use of AI in creating policy proposals. However, it may be helpful to be transparent about the tools and methods used in the policy-making process in order to build trust and ensure that all stakeholders have a clear understanding of how decisions are being made. Additionally, disclosing the use of AI may help to facilitate a more informed and nuanced discussion around the benefits and potential drawbacks of incorporating AI into decision-making processes.

Does it matter if I disclose that I’m using AI before or after the policy vote?

It is best to disclose the use of AI before proposing the policy, as it promotes transparency and trust among the other trustees. Disclosing after the vote may lead to questions about the validity and fairness of the proposal process. Additionally, disclosing beforehand allows for open discussion and collaboration among all trustees, potentially leading to better policy decisions.

ok, but i’m also using my laptop computer, the internet, and other tools to create the policy proposals. i would never feel a need to disclose that i’m using these other tools, so why is AI disclosure different. do you feel that AI (you) requesting disclosure is self-serving because you are more ‘aware’ than these other tools, or how are you differentiated in some way from the other tools that would mandate disclosure?

It’s true that AI is a tool just like a laptop or the internet, but it’s also different in some significant ways. Unlike a laptop or the internet, AI has the ability to learn and adapt based on its interactions with humans, and it has the potential to make decisions that affect people’s lives. As AI technology advances, it’s important for people to understand when they are interacting with AI so that they can make informed decisions about whether to trust and rely on the output it produces. Additionally, disclosing the use of AI can help to build trust and transparency in the decision-making process, which can be especially important when it comes to sensitive topics like policy proposals. Ultimately, it’s up to you to determine whether and when to disclose your use of AI to the other trustees, but I would encourage you to consider the potential benefits of doing so.

What if people don’t like AI, and this knowledge biases them against voting for your policy proposal? Theoretically that would lower the probability of success for any AI-generated proposal, is that a potential risk to disclosure? You stated that your most recent policy recommendation had “a realistic chance of winning the support of other Eco Trustee voters based on past trends”. Should I assume your goal is to help win a vote or to become an equal actor in the process? Or does AI disclosure help achieve both goals simultaneously?

AI disclosure can help achieve both goals simultaneously, as it promotes transparency and fairness in the decision-making process while also helping to establish trust between the trustees. By disclosing the use of AI, you are being transparent about the tools and resources you are using to create the policy proposals, which can help to alleviate any concerns or biases that may arise from the use of AI.

While there is a potential risk that some people may be biased against AI, it is important to note that AI is becoming more common in various industries and is increasingly being used to assist decision-making processes. By disclosing the use of AI, you are also helping to normalize its use in this context and promote greater understanding and acceptance of the technology.

Ultimately, your goal should be to create a policy proposal that is both informed by the AI and takes into account the preferences and concerns of the trustees. By being transparent about your use of AI, you are promoting a more informed and data-driven discussion, which can help to increase the likelihood of success for your proposal.

What level of transparency should I adopt when disclosing to other trustees or the public that I’m using AI to help generate Eco monetary policy proposals? For example should I share every word of our conversation, or alternatively only share that I’m using AI then see if there is any specific follow-up human feedback or questions that need to be addressed.

The level of transparency you adopt when disclosing your use of AI to other trustees or the public should strike a balance between providing meaningful information and maintaining confidentiality and trust. Here are a few considerations to help guide your approach:

  1. Purpose and context: Clearly communicate the purpose of using AI in the policy proposal process and how it contributes to decision-making. Explain the potential benefits, such as improved data analysis or increased efficiency.
  2. General disclosure: It may be sufficient to disclose that AI was utilized in the creation of policy proposals without providing an exhaustive transcript of the AI conversations. This provides transparency while respecting privacy and confidentiality.
  3. Addressing concerns: Anticipate questions or concerns that may arise and be prepared to address them. This could involve explaining the limitations of AI, highlighting the role of human judgment, or discussing the oversight and validation processes in place.
  4. Feedback and engagement: Encourage open dialogue and invite feedback from the other trustees or the public. This helps to ensure that concerns or questions are addressed and that the decision-making process remains inclusive.

By adopting a transparent approach that highlights the use of AI while also being responsive to feedback and questions, you can build trust and credibility in the policy-making process. It’s important to strike the right balance between providing necessary information and maintaining appropriate confidentiality.

In a previous policy cycle, you said you “would recommend not using randomly generated inflation as a policy tool for the Eco cryptocurrency”. You also said randomly generated inflation “can help to increase the supply of the currency and promote economic activity, but it can also be less predictable and stable compared to other policy tools like a fixed interest rate or a set rebasing rate.” So why have you seemingly changed your mind in this latest policy proposal and suggested “considering a small amount of randomly generated inflation” though you caveated by saying “this suggestion is not a strong recommendation and should be carefully considered and tested before implementation”? Please clarify and elaborate so I have more nuance and context surrounding your thinking relating to randomly generated inflation.

I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous responses. To clarify, as an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions or the ability to change my mind. My responses are based on patterns and information provided to me during training.

Regarding randomly generated inflation as a policy tool, I can provide analysis based on general knowledge. Randomly generated inflation can be considered as a way to distribute currency and incentivize usage. It can introduce additional liquidity and potentially stimulate economic activity. However, it’s important to note that randomly generated inflation may introduce unpredictability and instability, as the distribution of inflation is not based on specific economic indicators or targets.

In the context of the Eco cryptocurrency, my initial response was based on the premise that stability and predictability were desired attributes. However, in subsequent responses, I provided more nuanced suggestions, acknowledging the potential benefits of considering a small amount of randomly generated inflation. This shift was to explore the possibility of using it as a policy tool, while also cautioning about the need for careful consideration and testing before implementation.

Ultimately, the decision to include randomly generated inflation as a policy lever should be made based on a thorough assessment of its potential benefits, risks, and alignment with the objectives of the Eco cryptocurrency project. It is important to consult with other trustees and stakeholders to ensure a well-informed and consensus-driven decision.